Hey MUD developer,
Thanks for subscribing to the MUD newsletter! We're still early in figuring out exactly what plans we have with this newsletter, but for now, you can look forward to an overview of the changelog, roadmap, and past/upcoming community events.
Let the audit begin
A big announcement to kick us off: we’ve frozen contracts for MUD in preparation for an upcoming security audit! This is a major step for MUD and we’re happy to have you here with us on the journey.
Many tweets, like lermchair’s (below), will become artifacts of the past.
MUD updates
Our major updates include adding the ability to call many systems in a World in a single transaction, enhancing ephemeral tables and renaming them offchain tables, and adding faucet services to our testnet. Detailed updates can be found at our changelog and our status page.
We also held a MUD Core Dev Call where we elaborated on many recent changes to MUD with a presentation, demos, and Q&A session.
For more information, you can see the hand-selected PR's that we think are most important to be aware of at the bottom of this email.
Community updates
We’d like to extend an invite to our next Monthly Community Demos Call where we provide a platform for MUD Tinkerers and MUD Builders to present demos of their MUD projects. You can look forward to 3 – 5 demos from our community along with the Sky Strife team.
We still have a few slots open, so feel free to reply to this email if you’re interested in presenting.
To keep better track of these events, we now have a Google Community Events Calendar that can be subscribed to. It contains all Lattice and MUD events that are open to the community.
Many thanks,
The MUD team
Noteworthy PR's from the past two weeks
Onchain Updates
PR 1354: feat(store): add splice events
PR 1473: feat: bump solidity to 0.8.21
PR 1500: feat(world): add CallBatchSystem to core module
PR 1531: feat(store,world): add splice hooks, expose spliceStaticData, spliceDynamicData
PR 1544: feat(store,world): replace
PR 1558: feat(store,world): replace
tables withoffchain
PR 1563: feat(world): prevent the
from calling itself
Offchain Updates
PR 1495: docs: using the indexer with PostgreSQL
PR 1517: feat(faucet): add faucet service
PR 1572: feat(recs,store-sync): add faucet service
PR 1661: feat (store-indexer,store-sync): filter findAll by tableIds